155 research outputs found

    Функції юридичної відповідальності в правовій науці України та Польщі

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    В статті автор аналізує та порівнює деякі аспекти дослідження функціонального призначення юридичної відповідальності в правовій науці України та Польщі.In article the author analyzes and compares some aspects of research of a legal responsibility functional purpose in a Ukrainian and Polish law theory

    Simulating complex social behaviour with the genetic action tree kernel

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    The concept of genetic action trees combines action trees with genetic algorithms. In this paper, we create a multi-agent simulation on the base of this concept and provide the interested reader with a software package to apply genetic action trees in a multi-agent simulation to simulate complex social behaviour. An example model is introduced to conduct a feasibility study with the described method. We find that our library can be used to simulate the behaviour of agents in a complex setting and observe a convergence to a global optimum in spite of the absence of stable states

    Practical Verification of Decision-Making in Agent-Based Autonomous Systems

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    We present a verification methodology for analysing the decision-making component in agent-based hybrid systems. Traditionally hybrid automata have been used to both implement and verify such systems, but hybrid automata based modelling, programming and verification techniques scale poorly as the complexity of discrete decision-making increases making them unattractive in situations where complex log- ical reasoning is required. In the programming of complex systems it has, therefore, become common to separate out logical decision-making into a separate, discrete, component. However, verification techniques have failed to keep pace with this devel- opment. We are exploring agent-based logical components and have developed a model checking technique for such components which can then be composed with a sepa- rate analysis of the continuous part of the hybrid system. Among other things this allows program model checkers to be used to verify the actual implementation of the decision-making in hybrid autonomous systems

    Der Einfluss der Kapazitätsgröße und -auslastung auf den Kostenverlauf ausgewählter Hilfskostenstellen von Molkereien - Abteilung Dampfversorgung

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    Die Kostenanalyse zur Bestimmung des Einflusses der Kapazitätsgröße und -auslastung auf den Kostenverlauf von Hilfskostenstellen (Hilfsabteilungen) erfolgt mit Hilfe von Modellkalkulationen. Eine spezielle Form der Teilkostenrechnung ermöglicht die Zurechnung der Kosten nach Kostenkategorien (jahresfix, tagesfix, ggf. chargenfix und mengenproportional) auf die entsprechenden Kostenträger (z. B. Kälte, Dampf) der jeweiligen Hilfskostenstelle. Durch computergestützte Simulationen können die Auswirkungen der verschiedenen Kosteneinflußfaktoren im einzelnen quantifiziert werden

    Expecting to lift a box together makes the load look lighter

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    The action abilities of an individual observer modulate his or her perception of spatial properties of the environment and of objects. The present study investigated how joint action abilities shape perception. Four experiments examined how the intention to lift an object with another individual affects perceived weight. In Experiments 1, 2a, and 2b, participants judged the perceived weight of boxes while expecting to lift them either alone or with a co-actor. In Experiment 3, the co-actor was healthy or injured. Participants intending to lift a box with a co-actor perceived the box as lighter than participants intending to lift the same box alone, provided that the co-actor appeared healthy and therefore capable of helping. These findings suggest that anticipated effort modulates the perception of object properties in the context of joint action. We discuss implications for the role of action prediction and action simulation processes in social interaction